When we travel away from home, we always make sure to pack as best as possible (to anticipate any potential situation). No one wants to get sick or anything. We want relax and enjoy our vacation without any last minute run to the store for anything. Now that I am learning more about many of…
young living
Update – Sleep Aid
It is about a month since we started using essential oils to help us sleep: Melatonin Replacement, Sleep Aid link How is it working??? It is working great!!! My melatonin container has remained untouched… I have not had to give my 10-year old daughter any more chemical medicine!! Her oil routine has become part of our…
Essential Oil Basics
Learning about Essential Oils has relieved several different stresses in our lives. See my posts on Vera Ann’s Schoole Blend, Magic Snore Eraser, and My Introduction to Essential Oils for more details. Here are the Basics to help you find your way as well. 1. Quality is Key. Many people do not realize that essential oils…
Vera Ann’s Schoole Blend
My 10-year old daughter, Vera Ann is extremely intelligent but struggled at school – which of course, overflows to home and other aspects of her life. Ever since I was pregnant, with ALL DAY sickness and dehydration concerns… she has always been a challenge 🙂 She arrived one week early She wanted to run before she could…